White patches on skin is not a good sign. You need medical attention before it starts worsening and begins to spread. You start worried about your skin what is happening to you and then you have to immediately visit the dermatologist.
We at Skin Alive Clinic gives you proper treatment and treats your skin issues at their best and at affordable prices.
What are White Patches?
White patches are also called Vitiligo. It is a skin disease in which skin discoloration is so much increased than a person starts losing skin color. In severe cases, these skin ailments can also affect hair, mouth etc. People suffering from this condition is very disturbed about how to carry themselves around the people.
Which areas of the body are affected?
Causes of White Patches?
This situation occurs when the skin cells that produce melanin, the chemical that gives the skin its colour is suddenly demolished by the body’s immune system.
These are some conditions that cause White Patches
Causes of White Patches?
This situation occurs when the skin cells that produce melanin, the chemical that gives the skin its color is suddenly demolished by the body’s immune system.
White patches can lower your Self-esteem. So as soon as possible visit your dermatologist.
These are some symptoms of White Patches.
Some tips to avoid White Patches.
Treatment for White Patches
Treatment depends upon your age, how much your skin is involved. How much it takes time to cure.